Your nonprofit organization was just approved for a Google Ad Grant. Great! But you might be wondering where to go from here. What should your ads say? Will anyone actually see your ads, and if they do, will anyone actually click on them?
Nonprofit organizations use their Google Ad Grant for all types of purposes. Some of them use them to promote the services offered by their nonprofit. Others use them to attract supporters and donors. Still others use them to increase awareness of their cause. But no matter how you choose to use your Google Ad Grant, you want to put together a campaign that will provide you with the desired outcome, and that takes some expertise.
The free Google Ads that are available from the Google Ad Grant program can provide a major boost for your nonprofit organization, but only if you use them effectively. Unfortunately, managing a Google Ads campaign is much easier said than done. It takes research, monitoring, and sometimes a bit of trial and error before you start to see results.
Some nonprofits who have qualified for a Google Ad Grant choose to manage their advertising campaign in house, but not all nonprofits have anyone in house with the time or know-how to create and manage this type of campaign. If your organization is completely new to running Google Ads, hiring a service that provides Google Ad Grant management for nonprofits can be a great idea. A company or individual that provides this type of service can get your campaign up and running. They can help you decide what types of people to target in your ad campaign, how to word your ads, and can even create a special landing page to which the ads click through.
You might be thinking, “Why would I pay for a service to run my free Google Ads? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of the Google Ad Grant?” Not necessarily. Many nonprofits that qualify for the Google Ad Grant never take the time to learn how to run a Google Ad campaign effectively, and essentially waste the free advertising. Others put some effort into getting an ad campaign up and running, but then don’t monitor its effectiveness or make adjustments when needed. Others spend valuable time spinning their wheels and never quite figure out how to run a Google Ad campaign that produces good results.
When you have someone in charge of your Google Ads who is experienced in running this type of campaign, you can get the most out of the Grant. Yes, it means spending some of your marketing budget for Google Ad Grant management, but the return on investment (ROI) can be surprisingly good. The service can be more affordable than you might imagine, especially if you work with a company that allows you to do a portion of the work in-house.